The Sound of my own wheels making me Crazy
In my travels across North America I’ve experienced a great deal of solitude. I’ve driven countless hours, gazing upon the Natural wonders and ever changing landscapes. The endless pursuit of a beautiful, yet elusive horizons. My internal dialogue as haunting as the sound of my own wheels making me crazy. It was on an open stretch of road in Wisconsin that I was overcome with loneliness, my spirit longing for companionship. There was an aching within my heart, as my vision began to blur with tears.
It became difficult to see the road, so I pulled over and relinquished to this rise of emotions. The sense of despair so pervasive, I found myself turning to prayer. My prayer was to our world, to Spirit and to the heavens beyond. My wish was for relief of this intense sadness and to not feel so alone. The unrelenting sense of loneliness had overwhelmed and demoralized me. I wish for a sign, some kind of message from Spirit. After some time had passed, I began to regain my composure, taking solace in the beautiful scenery before me. High above the land rose sandstone formations that seemed to touch the sky. These formations appeared as ancient guardians of a valley that stretched to the horizon.
A sign drew my attention as though it were a beacon, “Mirror Lake” it read
I’d grown weary of driving, and of this despair. Rest is on my mind as I sought a place of respite for the night. Just ahead, a sign drew my attention as though it were a beacon, “Mirror Lake” it read. Such a profound name I thought, a synchronicity that I must not ignore. So I charted my course toward the campgrounds at Mirror Lake Park, there I will rest for the evening. Upon arriving I stopped at the rangers station, and secured my site. As I drove towards the campsite, I became immersed in a beautiful forest. I retreated into nature which gives me a great sense of peace. It was as though I traveled back in time, to when life was much more simple.
Once settled in, I shared my location on social media to let friends and family know of my day’s progress. A message came from my sister with a link to a hiking trail leading to a place called Echo Rock. What a mysterious name I thought, maybe this is exactly where I’m supposed to be? That evening I made a campfire, and held a small ceremony around it. The forest became very active under a star filled sky. In the nearby woods I heard cracking and stepping sounds that were approaching my site. I became a bit spooked, and retreated to the relative safety of my camper for the remainder of that night.
Searching for the mysterious Echo Rock
I awoke the next morning to beautiful sunshine, a warm summers day. The first thought on my mind was to search for the mysterious Echo Rock. Maybe there will be an experience waiting for me, if I follow my intuition? I began walking along the forest road and it wasn’t long before I came upon a trailhead sign pointing the way. Echo rock was only a short distance along a forest trail which follows the shoreline of mirror Lake.
I walked along the path taking in the sights and sounds of this scenic trail. Ahead, the land rises in a high mound with trees along its peak. I took the lower trail which took me along the waters edge, and ancient sandstone formation to my right. Here it was, rising from the forest floor, I had found Echo Rock.
I contemplated all the earth changes that this rock has witnessed
The Rock’s surface was unusual, the elements have sculpted its façade over the eons. I contemplated all the earth changes that this rock has witnessed. I noticed names and inscriptions carved into the stone of the many visitors who have gravitated here. Some of the carvings date back well over a century. I felt my way a long its walls, wanting so much to learn from its wisdom. As I searched over the stone for anything that would provide me with some kind of profound knowledge, but there was only silence. I felt disappointment, as I began thinking that my intuition was wrong. Maybe there was nothing here for me to discover?
I made my way around Echo Rock until I finally had come full circle. There I noticed a slight trail leading up to the mounds summit. Drawn to it and I began making my way along the gently rising path. The area above felt playful, happy and in every way an enchanted forest.
I closed my eyes and began to hear the whisper of Spirits
Once I arrive at the very top, I turned to face all the directions, admiring the beautiful scenery and views of Mirror Lake. I gazed up at the forest’s canopy and the earth seemed to spin a bit. A slight dizziness came over me, and I felt compelled to place the small of my back firmly against one of the trees. Feeling ungrounded, I began to take some deep meditative breaths. I closed my eyes and began to hear the whisper of Spirits all around me. Confused, I opened my eyes to scan the area and could see that I was completely alone. I settled back into the tree, and it was then that I experienced a wave of messages.
It began as whispers, that were nearby and yet all around me. I heard many different male and female voices. At times one voice would complete another’s sentence, just as twins often do. In other moments the voices all spoke in unison. Theses spirits have a collective consciousness and were speaking as One.
Their first message was to reassure me that I was never alone. No matter the situation, they are always with me, and always supporting me. I was overcome with emotion, and my heart expanded. This was a direct response to my desperate prayers on the previous day, when I had felt so alone. I am loved unconditionally by the spirits and my life matters to them. I would define the voices as belonging to a Collective Council of Divine Spirits who are the creators of our world.
Humanity is unaware of Earth’s true construct
The subject shifted as they began to share information and concepts that I found difficult to understand. Their first revelation was that the Natural world is essentially a three dimensional Hologram. All life on Earth has been intelligently designed. The evidence is not only found within an organism’s DNA but also in the fact, that this blueprint exists. The literal progression of divine creativity manifested in the physical world, defines Evolution. Natural selection, is actually the result of a divine intelligence’s experimentations that lead to conscious selections. Variations within species are sometimes a product of aesthetics and preferences not solely based on functionality.
The holographic program provides humanity with information and guidance. Within the natural world, animals serve an integral role to the greater design and function of this holographic system. Furthermore, animals will respond in a positive way and recognize our true divinity, once we are fully conscious. The divine council’s preferred method of communications with humanity is through Nature. This has enlightened me as to why Nature has always served as man’s earliest and foremost teacher.
A war is being waged over our humanity’s future
The physical world was created with such perfection that humanity is unaware of Earth’s true construct. The hologram is like a dream world that we are unable to recognize. In essence our world is similar to the Matrix theory, but never with the intention of keeping humanity under its control. However the potential for abuses and subversions are real and present. The divine creators did not intend for such interference but antagonistic forces have permeated the hologram’s construct.
The Divine beings are engaged in a war that is being waged over humanity’s future. A war that is consequently coming to a conclusion, perhaps even within our lifetime. A message followed that some human beings are not what they appear to be. The explanation is, while human beings are all the same species, aside from certain genetic manipulations, we vary in our soul origins. The souls or spirits of humans come from a multitude of star nations and dimensions. All these energies have assembled here on Earth for a multitude of purposes.
The outcome and higher purpose of this conflict is of great importance
There are human beings who are influenced and manipulated by antagonistic energies. The intentions of these forces or energies, are to subvert humanity for their own interests. Since Nature is central to divine communications, adversaries seek to destroy as much of the natural world as possible. The greater purpose is to diminish the influence of the collective council of Divine beings. The Antagonist energies are responsible for many of humanity’s imbalances and the ongoing assault waged upon our planet.
I accept that there is a higher purpose for this war, because I trust in the divine beings. Admittedly though, I don’t understand the complexities or why it’s necessary. The conflict over our world has occurred on other planets throughout time. The outcome and higher purpose of this conflict is of great importance. I was assured that my contributions, along with those of countless fellow Human Star Seeds, matter greatly. The Collective Council of Divine Beings Love humanity unconditionally, and we are integral to their creation. They are working continuously to assist us. Consequently, our destinies are mutually interconnected with the divine beings.
A society that requires consensus, operates from Love, and holds the Natural world sacred
Its been over three years now since this life changing experience occurred at Echo Rock on Mirror Lake. I am very grateful for the love and profound messages that the Divine Beings bestowed on me. As a result, my views on religion and the constructs of our society are forever changed. My understanding of God or our Creator, has diverged from the popular monotheistic views. I recognize a collective council of divine beings, who speak as One.
In reflecting upon this single distinction, I ponder the countless profound implications of this view. Consequently, could this knowledge eventually free humanity from the monotheistic, patriarchal paradigms that have imprisoned us all?
Imagine all religions, along with their dogma, coerced worship and Idolatry, abandoned for individual enlightenment. A new era, a new relationship with the divine. A relationship based on active listening, respect, gratitude and Love. Will we chose to Mirror our creators, adopting the true nature of the Collective Council of Divine Beings? We can become a society that requires consensus, operates from Love, and holds the Natural world sacred.