The Council Fire
Ancient indigenous decision making and governance
The Council Fire was the ancient indigenous way of coming together for decision making and governance. The members of the council were all seated in a circle so that all were equal. At the center of there meeting circle a sacred Fire burned. The Great law of Peace, governed the members, ensuring their integrity by protecting each Lord from the weaknesses of our human condition. This weakness of the human condition was refered to as the Seven Crooks of the Spine by the Iroquois, its equivalent being Christianity’s Seven Cardinal Sins.
The Council Fire project is a remembering of these ancient wisdoms, adapting it’s decision making processes for our modern world. We are recreating a working model of governance that the Iroquois had so beautifully achieved within their Great Law of Peace. Today the Council fire is being rekindled, returning us to peace, reason and ancient egalitarian values.
Time is of the essence, the call for Mother Earth’s wisdom Keepers to come together, to spring forth from the shadows and take your rightful place within the sacred circle of the counsel fire. It’s time that your voices are heard, time to share your wisdom and knowledge with the world.
We are in a time of transition and awakening that presents humanity with wonderful opportunities, but also great perils. We find ourselves in a pivotal period of time, where humanities next stage of evolution will be decided. This stage of evolution coincides with what is being described as a great global Awakening. We have begun a colllective transcendental shift in our collective consciousness. Our shared future is being created within these chaotic times.
We must evolve, we must transcend our limitations to become something more. Our very survival depends upon our recognition of the role we play in the betterment or destruction of our world. Solutions await us in rediscovering ancient indigenous ways and wisdoms. We can choose to come back into balance with each other and our natural world.
In nature, all species play an instinctual role in maintaining balance and contributing to the ongoing cycle of life here on Mother Earth. Human beings are the only species that are born lacking that innate knowledge of who we are and where we fit into the circle of life to which we are all members, all Relatives.
The next phase of human evolution
Author Dr. Alberto Villoldo speaks to this next phase of human evolution, referring to it as becoming Homo Luminous.
Setting the stage for the sages and wisdom keepers
Collectively, humanity has the following choice, evolve as a species or become extinct as one. This is the precipice we stand upon. Unlike previous species on our planet who have gone extinct either through natural selection, a cataclysmic event, or because of human activity. We as human beings are now conscious of the impact we have upon our global family and the natural world. For an unknown period of time, we still hold the power to change the present course and choose or collective shared destiny.
How do we make this transition from where we are now, to where and whom we wish to be? I believe answers await us in conversations yet to be held around the coming Council fires. I will do my part, to build these fires, to set the stage for the sages and wisdom keepers of our time. I cry out to them, step out of the shadows, share with us your sacred knowledge and timeless wisdom. I call upon an ancient archetypal energy to assist us, one who I believe still loves humanity enough to rise from our ancient memory and dance back into our lives. I call upon you Kokopelli, bringer of life, to play your flute for us once again!
A Piper, one that will lead humanity back to Reason.
The following video contains petroglyphs, depictions of the flute-playing god Kokopelli. Among Southwestern Native Americans, He is known as a the god of fertility, a prankster, healer and wonderful story teller. Some of the first petroglyphs of Kokopelli were carved over 3,000 years ago. Legends suggest that the hunch on his back depicts a sack of seeds and the songs he carries. Bringing forth life, abundant crops, vegetation and rebirth. It is believed that his flute playing symbolized the transition of winter to spring, the time for renewal.
Of legend, it’s said that Kokopelli’s flute could be heard in the spring’s breeze while bringing back warmth to the land. It is also believed that he was the source of human conception, a bringer of fertility in every sense. I introduce Kokopelli to you as a source of divine renewal, music making, of dancing, celebration and the bringer of joy to all he encounters. I ask Kokopelli to play his flute once again for us, to let his songs be heard in the wind, leading us back to our ancient roots of living in balance with the natural world. I can think of no better symbol or representation of a Piper, one that will lead humanity back to Reason.
Stairway to Heaven
“The piper will lead us to reason”
In a tree by the brook
There’s a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it makes me wonder.
There’s a feeling I get
When I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen
Rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who standing looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder.
And it’s whispered that soon, If we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn , For those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter. ~ Led Zepplin
Stairway to Heaven on Native Flute-Video